Sunday, March 17, 2013

JacketFlap and Other Writers' Websites

I've been trying to comb the internet for sites that serve writers, and found JacketFlap.  Pretty decent site.  I really didn't want to go the route of nagging and spamming friends on Facebook--"Yeah, yeah, I wrote a book.  Now, if you'll permit me to run advertisements up all of your respective walls, I think I can browbeat most of you into buying my new book...."

Um, not.  I respect any writer who is considerate of their friends and family enough to keep separate author and personal FB pages--many don't.  I don't have any kind of what you'd call 'a following' to warrant two FB pages, but I am getting good use out of JacketFlap and Goodreads--right now, I'm preferring JacketFlap.

I've also discovered Writing Forums, Writer's Beat, Verla Kay, Catholic Writers' Guild, and LegendFire--excellent forums.  There have been a few others that I poked around in for a while and then left, for one reason or another, so if you notice that a site or two aren't included here, it's not necessarily an 'error of omission.'  I take many different factors and features into consideration.  And I'm still poking around looking for more sites.  

Just trying to increase my exposure a bit without allowing the 'personal' and the 'persona' to blur together on me or anyone else.  Sure, when you write a book, you like to sell that book.  But you're doing it wrong if friends and family start getting the impression they're only in your life now for what they can do for you.  You don't peddle to friends and family.  At least not to be constantly pushing your book in their faces.  When you start acting fake and trying to play 'the role,' it's time to pull back and compartmentalize.  You need to keep your friendships and personal life separate from your vocation.

I've gotten a bit off-track, but it's a point that I think needed to be made.  If you know of a good site, drop me a line.  I'm looking for more writing and writers' sites to check out.  : )   

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Elusive Book Review

And here I sit, patiently waiting and hoping that at least one of the giveaway winners will deign to post a review of Mickey and the Gargoyle.  Anyone that's pulled up my book's listing on Goodreads has seen by now that there's only one review in there, a gag review by me, the writer.  I'd love to swap that out for a real review some time soon. 

Personally, I think it's unethical to allow writers to review their own books--hence my 'prank' review.  If I'd leave that up once a real review was posted, mine would the skew the rating.  So I've vowed to remove mine even if the first review that pops up there is a scathing one-star commentary.

Right about now, I'd love it if Goodreads would provide giveaway winners with the ability to click a button verifying they've received the book, the same way they give writers a button to click when they've sent out the winning copies. For right now, I'm just checking daily for reviews.  :)